Starting the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

  • Post category:30 Day Challenge
  • Reading time:10 mins read

My friends, I have been struggling.

The energies in the world right now are calling us to release emotions and make major shifts.

Whether it is the energy in the air or just the next step on my journey, I have realized the past few days that when I thought I was healing myself, I was really just putting a band-aid over the problem.

Last year, I lost a lot. That loss rolled over into this year and morphed into a series of limiting beliefs that I do not want to live with anymore.

We all carry scars and traumas, and I am sure we have all experienced what it feels like when, no matter how hard you try, they become all consuming. This week has left me feeling exhausted, lost, and full of fear.

But! I am not writing this post to make you sad. I’m writing this because I am embarking on a thirty day challenge. Thirty days of releasing the limiting beliefs I carry, releasing my need to control everything, releasing the fear I carry from my past.

As a Reiki Master, we are taught to heal ourselves first. And now, it is time for me to do just that. Every day, I will be creating a document in which I write down everything that happens on this journey. For thirty days, I will journal, pray, meditate, and do breathwork. I will follow my intuition fully and practice daily self Reiki. Every day, I will strive to fully love and heal myself, and to let myself not be in control.

While I do not know exactly how much of this journey I will share, or even where this journey will take me, I do ask one thing:

Will you join me on a Thirty Day Challenge?

Will you join me for 30 days of self-discovery? 30 days dedicated to releasing your limiting beliefs, opening yourself up to the truth, and healing yourself? This journey won’t look the same to everyone. For some, it may include mantras and meditation, for others it may mean healthier eating. You can go deep, or you can start small. Whatever you feel called to do. We are in a time of transformation. Let’s give it all we’ve got.

Every day of this thirty day challenge, I am going to share journal prompts, inspiring quotes, thought provoking questions, and meditative mantras. If you want to follow along, find an accountability buddy, or here more of my own personal journey, join my Facebook group!

This challenge is called Joy to the Soul. Through it, I hope that we may find joy and love, beginning in our soul and filling our entire being. I would love to hear about your journey! Tag me in your photos @collectivelyquantum and use the hashtag #joytothesoul!

As for this post, I want to share what my own routine will be for this challenge.

So, let’s get to it!

I am pursuing this challenge to let go of past trauma, release some limiting beliefs, and find true happiness and fulfilment that fills me from the inside out.

To help me dive deep, my morning routine is going to be extremely important, and will look something like this:


W.C. Fields said this: ‘Always smile first thing in the morning. Might as well get it over with.’ While that hilarious sentiment slightly misses the mark, smiling in the morning helps me to set off on the right foot. It’s been proven that when you smile, your brain releases dopamine, the ‘happy’ hormone. So start the day off right- you’re never fully dressed without a smile.


In an effort to develop my relationship with God and align my life to my higher purpose, I will begin every morning with prayer. Prayer is an amazing way to center your soul, so whoever or whatever you choose to pray to, it is an amazing way to start your morning.

Meditation and Breathwork

Each morning for around 10-15 minutes. Meditation helps to go inward, connect with your subconscious, and identify and process your limiting beliefs. Breathwork is amazing for releasing trauma, but should be done under supervision or after personal experience. If you don’t have experience with breathwork, substitute more meditation time.


For 10 minutes every morning. As an EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) practitioner, I know from experience that it is a powerful tool for releasing trauma and limiting beliefs. If you don’t know about EFT, you can find some amazing Youtube videos, or substitute in journal time or repeat a mantra.


15 minutes every morning. Once again, as a Reiki practitioner, I know the power Reiki has for emotional and physical healing. I have been wanting to develop a regular daily practice, and I think this is the perfect opportunity! For my friends who aren’t Reiki practitioners, this can be substituted with further prayer, meditation, journaling, or anything you feel will be beneficial!


5 Minutes every morning. A big part of what I want to accomplish during this challenge is a feeling of happiness and fulfillment. To help me align with this energy, I am going to spend five minutes every morning visualizing and meditating on how I want to feel.

I’ve designed my morning routine to help me start the day off on the right foot, facilitate healing, and clear my mind and energy. Feel free to adapt it for your needs and preferences. Your morning routine sets the tone for the entire day. Make sure it aligns with what goals you want to accomplish and the energy you want to have. For more ideas, check out this Pinterest board.

Other than my morning routine, I will be going deep throughout the day, to help continue the releasing and healing process. Here are a few things on the menu to keep me going on the right track:

Stream of Consciousness

This type of journaling is one of my absolute favorites. I first mentioned it in this post. Those five to ten minutes when you allow yourself to write down anything and everything that comes to mind can be transformational. I have had some of my biggest breakthroughs because of S.O.C journaling. So, during this thirty day challenge, I will be doing a S.O.C every morning, as well as after any triggering or upsetting event.

Daily Gratitude

I will be posting the gratitude prompts I am using in the daily challenge posts, so stay tuned for those.

In an effort to keep this post somewhat brief, I will leave you with those ideas. I hope that you will join me for the next thirty days. I hope you will use the journal prompts, think about the questions, and be inspired by the quotes.

Thank you for being with me on this journey. I cannot wait to see how this challenge progresses. Here is to releasing the past, accepting transformation, and healing on all levels.

Love and light,


Ready for Day One?