The Body speaks what Words cannot.

-Martha Graham

There is Power in Movement.

Your body holds wisdom not accessible to the mind, and opens doors to the soul in a way words cannot. Whether you feel disconnected from the world around you, afraid of what may happen if you fully embodied your human experience, or if you find yourself constantly in a state of fear, anxiety, and stress, intuitive movement will help bring you back into yourself, opening a safe space for you to explore what it means to fully embody, without the pressure of the outside world.

Why Movement?

By connecting with our bodies, we open the door to a new kind of wisdom. I believe that movement is the language of the soul, a gateway to into The Deep. Movement calms the nervous system, releases the mind, and connects you to your soul, guiding you to a place of rest and release in which you can experience the Truth of your inner being. If you are seeking a new experience to quiet the mind, relax the body, and open the soul, these sessions are for you.

By embodying our True selves through movement, we
connect with the soul in a way words cannot.

We step away from our minds, and turn inward, to a space that is only accessible when we
quiet our thoughts, release our stress, and dive into the depths of our inner beings. In this
space, the movement of our bodies open the gateway to the wisdom of our souls.

Moving with The Breath

Join me virtually for a 45-
minute movement experience
designed to bring you back in tune
with your breath and your body.
Using breathwork, we will bring
you into a state of rest and release,
using intuitive movement to fully
embody your breath, opening
the door to your inner wisdom
and cultivating an experience that
is the epitomy of embodied

Investment: $45

Group Classes

Are you interested in bringing a
group of humans into connection
with their soul? There is nothing
quite like experiencing the power
of movement when it is shared with
a community of souls, all awakening
to their own inner wisdom. I offer
group classes by appointment only.
If you’re interested, let’s chat!

Intuitive Movement

Your body holds wisdom within it,
waiting to share with you the beauty
and love that exists within your soul.
To open the doors that words cannot
reach, we will use movement as our
guide, tapping into your body and soul
to facilitate movement that resonates
with you, where you are. Together,
we will sink further into ourselves,
fully embodying our movements as
we awaken the energy that exists
in The Deep.

Investment: $55

Movement has always been my anchor to the soul, the space in which I come to know who
I Truly am. I would love for you to join me here, in a sacred space of healing and discovery,
as we connect to the beauty of your inner being through the movement of your body.

Hi, I’m Izzy.

I’m a Reiki practitioner, channeler, web designer, soul searcher, integrator, space holder, and curious human. I am passionate about diving Into The Deep- the depths of the soul and the human experience, wading through the waters and into the unknown. There is great beauty within the depths of your being, and I would love to be your guide into those waters.