Day Twenty-Seven of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

  • Post category:30 Day Challenge
  • Reading time:4 mins read

Hello my friends!

Welcome to Day Twenty-Seven of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes.

Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc.

I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul.

To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well!

Let’s walk this journey together.

Day Twenty-Seven

Journal Prompt: Do an SOC on this topic: If you fully and unapologetically stepped into your truest self, who would you be and what would you do?

Gratitude Prompt: Find one reason to be grateful for a challenging situation or person in your life.

Mantra: I am aligned with my highest self in love and light.

Quotes: Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength. -Unknown

Perfect does not mean being unbroken; that is what whole means. Perfect means being exactly as you should be. -Unknown

Self-confidence is a superpower. Once you start to believe in yourself, magic starts to happen.

Question: How can you be more compassionate to yourself today?

Challenge: Start a gratitude jar, box, or journal. Anytime you feel grateful for something or someone, achieve a goal, make a breakthrough, or anything like that, right it down and place it in the jar or the notebook. Post a picture of your jar when you are done!!

Thank you all so much for joining this journey. I would love to know how you are doing! Tag me in your photos @collectivelyquantum, use the hashtag #joytothesoul, or leave a comment down below!

Until tomorrow, beautiful people. May the sun shine in your life today.

Much love,


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