Day Twenty-Five of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

  • Post category:30 Day Challenge
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Hello my friends!

Welcome to Day Twenty-Five of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes.

Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc.

I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul.

To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well!

Let’s walk this journey together.

Day Twenty-Five

Journal Prompt: With five days left in the challenge, now is the time to really tune into your goals. Complete an SOC on how your are going to embody the person you want to be (and the beliefs you want to hold).

Gratitude Prompt: List out five things that have happened this week that you are grateful for.

Mantra: Breathing in, I welcome change. Breathing out, I release the past.

Quotes: I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am, I am, I am. -Sylvia Plath

Learn to love in layers, one heartbeat at a time. -Lorelei

I learned a long time ago that the wisest thing I can do is be on my own side. -Maya Angelou

Question: When was the last time you did something fun for you, just because?

Challenge: Any time you find yourself slipping into an old habit, take a moment to acknowledge the thought for what it is doing. For example, if you are having an anxious thought, you might acknowledge, ‘Thank you for trying to keep me safe.’ If it is a thought about what you need to do later, you might say, ‘Thank you for showing me what to do next.’ Once you have acknowledged it, let it go and gently guide your mind back to the present. This is actually a scientifically proven meditation technique.

Thank you all so much for joining this journey. I would love to know how you are doing! Tag me in your photos @collectivelyquantum, use the hashtag #joytothesoul, or leave a comment down below!

Until tomorrow, beautiful people. May the sun shine in your life today.

Much love,


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