11 Ways to Clear Negative Energy

  • Post category:Energetics / Energy
  • Reading time:13 mins read
white and black moon with black skies and body of water photography during night time

We all have those days when we wake up and just feel off. Maybe you have a lot on your mind, or your morning didn’t go as planned. You could even be picking up on someone else’s emotions. Whatever the cause and whatever the reason, we all have those days.

Those days can be hard. Hard to get out of bed, hard to focus, hard to get into flow. I know that I have these days often, and it almost feels like energetic dust and cobwebs settles over me. So today we are going to look at twelve ways to shake that dust off, release negative energy, and get back in to the flow of your day.

1. Sage

sage smudge stick in bowl on marble shelf near buddha head

This herb, primarily found in Mexico and the southwestern United States, is known medicinally for its antibacterial properties. However, Native Americans supposedly used it to cleanse, or ‘smudge’, their houses and environments. Smudging clears the space of evil spirits and negative energy, and it one of my favorite ways to pull myself out of a funk.

Although smudging routines vary from person to person, I like to smudge my house at least once per week. While doing so I repeat affirmations, ask for the negative energy and spiritual dust to be cleared away, and pray that what is for my greatest and highest good will be allowed in.

While I most often use sage for my house, I have found it to be very powerful to shake off that energetic dust we talked about earlier. I simply take my sage stick and run the smoke across my body in an X, from my left shoulder to right foot, and right shoulder to left foot. Then I make a spiral around my head, smudge any other places that feel off, and finally make sure to take a deep inhale. While I do this, I ask that all negativity will be cleared away to make room for the light.

You can buy white sage sticks here.

2. Crystals

clear glass figurines

There is something so powerful and healing about holding the right crystal in the palm of your hand. Whether you use them for meditation, healing, or simply a burst of positive energy, holding a crystal instantly produces a feeling of inner peace.

Some good crystals for helping to clear negative energy are black tourmaline, obsidian, smoky quartz (my personal favorite), and amethyst. I have a beautiful smoky quartz that fits in the palm of my hand, and I keep it with me on the days when I feel the negativity creeping in.

3. Aura Raking

afterglow backlit beautiful crescent moon

Our auras are an extension of our energy, and they can tell us a lot about ourselves. Often our negative energy, or spiritual dust, can settle like a layer on our auras. To combat this, take your hands and rake through your aura, starting at the top of your head and then traveling down around you. This helps the energy to clear and move on and can help restore your aura to its purer state. Often when doing this you will be able to feel exactly where the negative energy is sitting, so if you find an area like this, be sure to give it a few extra rake-throughs.

5. Meditate

woman sitting on brown stone near green leaf trees at daytime

Although sitting down in a quiet place isn’t what we want to do when we are feeling negative, it can be extremely beneficial. While I have many meditation techniques here on the blog, I have a few favorites to clear negative energy.

The first is to imagine that with every inhale, there is pure white light coming in through the top of your head, filling up your body. Then, as you exhale, imagine all the negativity or stuck energy flowing out of your feet in the form of a grey fog. Continue to do this until there is no grey fog left, and your body is filled with light.

Another meditation I find helpful is to quietly scan my body for any ropes or attachments that I have to any past situations or people. Often, one of these ropes will be the source of my negative energy, so I mentally take the time to acknowledge its presence before letting it go. Once I am ready, I imagine a large pair of scissors cutting through the rope (sometimes I find it helpful to move my hands in a cutting motion), until the rope has been severed and I am free from the attachment. Although it may take many tries to fully clear the rope, you should feel a relief from the energy after the first go-round.

5. Walking or Dancing

silhouette of man jumping on field during night time

Sometimes, the best thing you can do to knock off negative or stuck energy is to move your body. I love to turn on my favorite song and dance around my kitchen until I can feel my vibration increase. If I don’t feel like dancing, I go take a walk or a run. No matter what you choose to do, physically moving your body boosts your energy and your vibrations and helps shake off any spiritual dust that has been hanging around.

6. Shake it off

silhouette of man standing on grass field during night time

We’ve all been told to shake it off at one time or another, but in this case it may actually help. When your body just feels stuck, off, and yucky, it’s time to shake it off. Stand up and find somewhere with plenty of room. Then just shake your whole body like mad. Arms, legs, head, feet, everything. Shake it off like you are a five-year-old who has had too much sugar.

This technique combines the benefits of Numbers 4 and 5. Moving your body gets your energy moving and shaking it off clears out your aura too! I find that after even just one minute of doing this I feel ten times better.

7. Go out in Nature

high mountain in valley near calm lake

Sometimes a little time spent with Nature can help us to release all our worries and cares. Go stand outside in the sunshine, look up at the stars, or get your feet in the dirt! Better yet, find something beautiful in nature to appreciate, watch a squirrel climb a tree, or listen to the birds call each other. Nature has a lot to teach us about being present and letting the past go, so spending time in nature is the perfect way to reset your day.

If you can’t go outside, try to find a window that you can look out of, or look up nature pictures on Pinterest. Any connection with Nature, no matter how small, will help.

8. Journal

photo of person holding cup

When I feel like the source of my negativity or spiritual dust is rooted in my mind, the first thing I do is open a new Word document on my computer. Then I dedicate five to ten minutes to typing out whatever comes into my mind. While the words may sound really negative or ugly, typing them out allows them the freedom to leave my head, and gives me the chance to separate from them.

If you don’t have access to a computer or you prefer to write by hand, a pen and paper works just as well. Be true to whatever it is that comes up and try not to judge the thoughts. They may not be pretty, but they are better out on the page than stuck in your mind.

For an even more cathartic twist, rip the paper up when you are done, or delete the Word doc, acknowledging that those thoughts are over and done with, and you don’t have to hold on to them anymore.

9. Have a Drink

person showing white mug in focus photography

No, not an alcoholic drink. Go pour yourself a warm cup of tea, a mug of hot chocolate, or some coffee. Take the time to truly lose yourself in the warm (or cold!) drink that you have in your hands. Feel the heat, savor the flavor. Allow the warmth to fill you up, sipping deep into your soul. Sometimes all we need to shake off a rough day is a little bit of comfort. So, go pour yourself a cuppa and let it fill up your soul.

10. Shower

hand catching flowing water

Sometimes showers can cleanse your inner being, not just your body. Taking a shower can feel so cleansing and can be a powerful tool to combat negative energies. The next time you are feeling stuck, go take a nice hot shower.

Draw patterns on the door, rant about your problems, and let the water wash away all the negativity you have collected. Showers can be the perfect opportunity to let your feelings out, clear your energies, and find restoration for your body and your mind.

11. Breathe

silhouette of man sitting on grass field at daytime

When all else fails, remember to breathe. There is something extraordinarily healing about taking some pure deep breaths. Breathe in until you can’t breathe in anymore, then let it out slowly, allowing the air to take the negativity with it.

You can spice this tip up by adding in essential oils or candles, practicing yogic breathing techniques, or tying it into a meditation. You can also use your exhales as a chance to force all the negative or stuck energy out by really forcing the air out of your body.

Final thoughts

We all have those days where we just aren’t feeling it. Luckily, there is almost always a way to get out of your funk and find your groove. These eleven tips are designed to do just that! I hope you found them helpful.

Not every tip will work for every person, and that’s okay. Take what resonates with you and leave the rest.

Do you have any ways that you like to clear negative energy? Leave a comment down below!