Read more about the article Being Free vs. Freedom- Journeying Within
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Being Free vs. Freedom- Journeying Within

Hello, my friends. It's been a moment since I've posted, and truly I don't even know who will read this. But today it felt important to get some thoughts out onto (electronic) paper, rather than capturing my voice on a podcast. I'm sure these things will come to The Conscious Cafe very soon, but right now the thoughts swirling in my head require a more concrete manifestation to be brought into this world. Lately, I've been diving inward. Into the deep. Not the Deep of my business, but the depths of myself. I thought, for a long time, that I'd already gone as far as I could go, that I'd explored the depths and lived to tell the tale. But now I see that there can be no end to the depths in which you can travel within yourself. My Inner Voice, soul, intuition…

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Connecting to Your Intuition: Hearing the Wisdom Within

Imagine, for a moment, that you are standing on the beach. As you look out onto the ocean, you can see the choppy waves as they crash over the shoreline. You can hear the water crashing as each wave unfurls over the other, over and over again. You can see the water relentlessly wash up on the shore, pulling the sand back with it. Looking out to the horizon, you can see the point where the sky meets the sea, where it is hard to distinguish where the sky ends, and the water begins. You notice how much more peaceful and still the water rests as it drifts closer to the horizon. Same water, different waves. That shoreline is like your mind- constantly moving, working, churning stirring things up. Working relentlessly to move and shift the sands. Making a lot of noise as it…

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Read more about the article How to Help Others: A Conversation with My Inner Voice
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How to Help Others: A Conversation with My Inner Voice

When I am feeling stressed, anxious, sad, or worried, I often sit down to journal. Many times during these writing sessions, a voice comes to me. Whether it is my own soul speaking through me, a channeled entity, or my subconscious, I do not know. But I do know that this voice, whatever it is, has infinite wisdom beyond my mind's comprehension. Today, this voice had a message about the common human goal to help others. Although this message came through to address a lot of my own personal doubts, I felt called to share it all with you. I know this message will resonate with everyone in some way, and I would love to know what it means to you. The goal is not to help others, my love. The others can always help themselves. No, the goal is to help yourself. For…

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