Day Nine of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Nine of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Nine Journal Prompt: What would life look like if you released this limiting belief? What fears…

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Day Eight of the Thirty Day Challenge- Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Eight of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Eight Journal Prompt: List out all the things you are gaining from this belief. Feelings of…

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Day Seven of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Seven of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Seven Journal Prompt: Do a stream of consciousness on how this limiting belief makes you feel.…

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Day Six of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Six of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Six Journal Prompt: Write a letter to your younger self, the one you were when you…

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Day Five of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Five of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Five Journal Prompt: Using the list of events from yesterday, identify any trends or similarities in…

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Day Four of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Four of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Four Journal Prompt: Using your limiting belief from yesterday, write about what events led to this belief. List…

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Day Three of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to Day Three of the thirty day challenge, joy to the soul. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Three Journal Prompt: Pick ONE of the three limiting beliefs, fears, doubts…

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Day Two of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to day two of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn’t. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let’s walk this journey together. Day Two Journal Prompt: Identify three of your most limiting beliefs, fears, doubts, or traumas. If you…

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Day One of the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

Hello my friends! Welcome to day one of the thirty day challenge. I will be posting a new daily challenge every day, complete with journal prompts, inspirational quotes, a daily mantra, gratitude prompt, and inspirational quotes. Please, use what resonates with you, and leave what doesn't. For the purposes of these posts, the journal prompts center around limiting beliefs, but feel free to tweak them based on what you are working on: fears, trauma, doubts, etc. I would love to know how your challenge is going! Tag me @collectivelyquantum, and use the hashtag #joytothesoul. To hear how my own challenge is going, join the Facebook group. I will be sharing my personal journey over there, and encourage you to share yours as well! Let's walk this journey together. Day One Journal Prompt: What do you need to work on during this challenge? What do…

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Starting the Thirty Day Challenge: Joy to the Soul

My friends, I have been struggling. The energies in the world right now are calling us to release emotions and make major shifts. Whether it is the energy in the air or just the next step on my journey, I have realized the past few days that when I thought I was healing myself, I was really just putting a band-aid over the problem. Last year, I lost a lot. That loss rolled over into this year and morphed into a series of limiting beliefs that I do not want to live with anymore. We all carry scars and traumas, and I am sure we have all experienced what it feels like when, no matter how hard you try, they become all consuming. This week has left me feeling exhausted, lost, and full of fear. But! I am not writing this post to make…

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